

MESHINING Engineering is an engineering company originally providing services in the field of CAD/CAE.The company is dedicated as a supplier partner to support engineering activities in developement of vehicles mostly in designing of passenger cars.

MESHINING Engineering could be a valuable partner in cooperation of BIW desing and simulation. We can offer to our partners many years experience in vehicle developement and very competitive cost.

The mission of the company is to provide high quality engineering services together with efficient service costs.


2006 - Foundation
   start CAE projects for automotive strategic partners (VISTEON, KOSTAL, MAGNA, EDAG)
   first eVehicle project, first composite calculation project

first heavy duty vehicle project for military sector

first overseas projects (US, Korea)

first own R&D project in the field of compositecalculation
first turn-key project for research purposes (design, calculation, prototyping, assembly eVehicle from CFR)
start co-operation with Kareline (short fibre woodplastics)

first eVhicle contract for French market
first eVehicle prototype for Geneva motorshow (turn-key functioning proto within six months)

start prototypeproduction of small series CFR parts,
start R&D with naturalfibre composite

first prototype from naturalfibre composite

strategic supplier on the field of CAE for AUDI Hungaria
strategic partnership in Japan with Phiaro and Honda R&D
thermoplast biocomposite prepreg

establish biocomposite company (MESHLIN Composite Plc)
establish composite prototype facility (350 m2 shop-floor)
first R&D project with Honda onsite in Japan (by ADAMS)



    Cégnév MESHINING Engineering Kft.
    Székhely 9027 Győr, Puskás Tivadar u. 10.
    E-mail infoblahblah@meshining.com
    Telefonszám + 36 96 326 474
    Internet www.meshining.com
    Cégjegyzékszám 08-09-013970
    Nyilvántartásba bejegyző bíróság Győri Törvényszék Cégbírósága
    Adószám 13715292-2-08
    Kamarai tagság Győr-Moson-Sopron Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara
    Tárhely szolgáltató neve DotRoll Kft.
    Tárhely szolgáltató székhelye 1148 Budapest, Fogarasi út 3-5.
    Tárhely szolgáltató telefon 36 1 432 32 31
    Tárhely szolgáltató E-mail support@dotroll.com
    Tárhely szolgáltató Internet https://dotroll.com

    head office

    MESHINING Engineering Kft.
    Puskás T. u. 10. B kapu, 9027 Győr